Swiss parenting expert and mother of 6 reveals...

The secret "game" behind your child's tantrums, attitudes and behavior problems... and how to turn your family into a happy cooperative team!


The revolutionary
Mom Has Fun
Parenting Method

teaches you the secret to solving the core issue
underlying nearly all parenting problems.

Plus you stay sane and have fun in the process!



Take a minute to watch this unscripted video interview of Nicole - the innovator of The Mom Has Fun System - as she candidly talks about happiness, mind chatter, curiosity and unconditional

The Mom Has Fun System uses non-judgemental awareness and pure curiosity, to create YOUR own happy family team, based on:
  • Coaching
  • Appreciation
  • Mutual respect
  • Sharing
  • Honesty
  • Belonging
  • Responsibility
  • Kindness
  • Co-operation
  • Trust
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